Revoke Limited التطبيقات

Data Breach Claims 2.7.14
Revoke Limited
Data Breach Claims shows you what data breaches you have been inandenables you to register a claim against the companyresponsible. Youmay be entitled up to £2,000 or more incompensation. Three easysteps: 1. Enter your email 2. See yourbreaches 3. Register a claimSimply enter your email address andwe’ll securely search databreach databases, within seconds, forFREE. You view the results,choose some or all of these companiesto register a claim againstand we will keep you updated on thestatus of your claim. A databreach has occurred when your personalinformation has been accessedwithout your permission; it couldhave been hacked, leaked or stolenfrom a company that you havetrusted with your data. Having yourdata leaked puts you at risk ofidentity theft, fraud and otherfinancial loss and can also causeembarrassment, worry, anddistress. The General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR) requiresthat companies keep your personalinformation safe and secure. Ifthey have failed to do so, then youmay be eligible forcompensation. · Email stolen? · Passwordhacked? · Account breached?Check now with Data Breach Claims.
Protect My Privacy 2.16.23
Revoke Limited
Personal data safety and security app. Have you been hacked? Regaincontrol.
Revoke: Request Your Data 2.16.32
Revoke Limited
Retrieve and regain control of your personal data
BLOKK: Stop Tracking Me 1.0.242
Revoke Limited
Stop trackers, block scam websites, protect your privacy andsecurity.